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Home Staging
What is Home Staging?
Home Staging is a visual marketing strategy tool to sell your home. It increases the perceived value of your home through the buyers eyes. Buyers are most likely to pay more a “Staged” home as it shows as a clean, up-to-date and well maintained home. Staging showcases the square footage of the home using the right color scheme and proper furniture placement. Staging draws the buyers eyes to the positive attributes of the home so the buyers fall in love. Staging makes the home look and feel warm and inviting so it will draw them in and create a lasting impression to the buyer. Our staging uses neuroscience to attract the right buyers from the gorgeous on-line photos and by using emotional connections that show a life-style that will have the buyers saying, “This is the one!” Staging attracts multitudes from the beginning starting with the gorgeous on-line photos to the great curb appeal and the fantastic first impression when entering the home to “SOLD.”
Top Ten REasons to Stage your home:
You will make more money even in a “Hot” market-The cost is worth the return (5-20%) more than nonstaged homes. Most buyers will pay more for a well maintained home (through Staging) so your listing price point can start higher than a non-staged home.
Your house will sell faster than your competitor’s even in a “Hot” market- Staged homes typically spend 72% less time on the market. Your home will sell before your competition.
Your first impression will be impactful and memorable-Staged homes achieve the WOW factor that leaves a lasting impression.
Most sellers cannot view their home objectively-Your home’s flaws can be easily over looked.
Your digital listing will stand out and draw more traffic-Over 95% of the buyers are online first making decisions to see what houses they want to see in-person. (Don’t leave your buyers disappointed when they visit your home without the furniture and accessories in place in the home from using only virtual staging. )
Only 10% of homebuyers can visualize the potential of your home-Staging helps the buyer visualize themselves living there. Staging also helps clarify awkward spaces.
The longer your home is on the market the lower the selling price will be-Staging is typically less than your first price reduction.
Staging is tax deductible.
Most Agents consider staging a Critical Necessity.
You can Relax!
(Not Professionally staging your home will only help your competition.)
Why Choose us?
We are experienced and certified to provide you with the services you need. We are insured to give you peace of mind. We are professional and provide the necessary handouts, pamphlets and tools you need to complete a successful DIY stage or we offer a full stage service in which we use neuroscience to enhance the presentation of a home for sale. We are Professional Property Presentation Specialists providing high-quality staged photos that speak to the buyers and create action. We are committed in providing you the best service and to reduce the stress that comes with selling a home.